I had this allegory when discussing burnout recently.
You know that feeling of tunnel vision under intense pressure? It’s like being under 10G in an aerobatic flight.
During some of my most intense work moments, feeling overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout, my focus narrowed. It was all about the immediate task at hand, just as a pilot might only see what’s directly in front during high G-forces.
Speaking of which, being the aviation enthusiast I am, I’ve felt the very real effects of 6G during an aerobatic flight. No, I didn’t pass out or lose my lunch, but the world did narrow for a bit. And let me tell you, shaking off that tunnel vision took a hot minute.
Whether it’s the pressure from a job you’re passionate about or the disorienting G-forces that flattens you against the seat, I’ve come to one conclusion: neither is something I’m keen to experience again.
So how do I steer clear of these overwhelming pressures? At work, I’ve learned the art of delegation and the importance of waving a flag when I’m swamped. As for the skies, on my next aerobatic flight, I requested a diverse range of stunts but with fewer Gs. And you know what? Both times, people heard me out, and my experiences were much richer for it.
Compare two photos of me surviving under 6G and engoying the aerobaric flight :)
Now, for a slightly left-field question on Medium: have any of you tried an aerobatic flight and felt those wild G-forces?